We received notice late last week of teachers who met the state criteria for TIA (Teacher Incentive Allotment) for Woodville ISD. Last year we had 4 honorees - this year we have 20 - 16 new designees, 1 who advanced a level from last year, and 3 who will continue their designations from last year.
Please join me in congratulating the following teachers on their new designations:
Woodville ISD Master Teachers:
Iliana Felipe - 3rd grade
Rebecca Hill - 2nd grade
Katelynn Meese - 1st grade
Chelsea McClendon - HS Biology
Deanna Standley - 2nd grade
Woodville ISD Exemplary Teachers:
Rachel Barth - HS Eng. II (advanced from recognized last year)
Lesha Burkhalter - 5th grade
Krystal Hayes - HS Alg. II
Rhonda Kelley - 1st grade
Kandace Love - 3rd grade/TABS
Patrice Scott - HS Eng. IV
Corrie Shaw - Kindergarten
Erik Tijerina - HS Geometry
April Williston Burke - 2nd grade
Woodville ISD Recognized Teachers:
Madison Fentress - 4th grade
Kristin Turner - 3rd grade
Regina Williams - 4th grade
And another shout out to our teachers who will continue their designations from last year:
Master Teacher - Kayla Connor - 8th Grade Science
Exemplary Teacher - Carolyn Barnes - 8th Grade English
Exemplary Teacher - Amanda Lejeune - 4th Grade